Page 44 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 44

Sassafras Gully Walk

                                                                                               David Noble

               Sassafras Gully at Springwood is a true delight. Beautiful creeks, waterfalls, rainforest, abundant
               wildlife, orchids, fungi, and several great swimming holes.

               There are many way of visiting Sassafras Gully at Springwood. There is the Victory Track from
               Faulconbridge, and four tracks at least, from Springwood – the one that starts from Sassafras Gully
               Road, the nearby Wiggins Track from Yondell Ave (reached via Bee Farm Road), and the track that
               follows Magdala Creek – which can be reached via three tracks near the start of the gully. The last is
               the track from Martins Lookout.

               I will describe the walk from Sassafras Gully Road to Sassafras Gully and then to Glenbrook Creek,
               and along Glenbrook Creek to its junction with Magdala Creek and returning to Springwood via
               Magdala Creek.

               It’s a short easy 15-minute walk to the trackhead, from Springwood Station. This is best done by
               walking west along Macquarie Road, not turning off down Homedale St (ignore Sassafras Gully
               signs), and continuing along to Short Street. On the way you pass an interesting Springwood
               memorial, which has information about the history of the town. Turn down Short St and then turn
               left and follow Valley Road up a short hill to reach the turn off to Sassafras Gully Road. The track
               starts at the end of the road where there is a carpark, sign and map.

               Now for some history. The tracks into Sassafras Gully probably date from around 1870. In those days
               it was referred to as “Flying Fox Gully”. A large part became a council reserve in 1888. People used
               to walk to a large pool called “The Lagoon”, which is on the junction of Sassafras Gully and
               Glenbrook Creeks. That pool is still there, but the Flying Fox Camp has moved on.

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