Page 58 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
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WATERFALL TO OTFORD - Couranga Track, Forest Path, Bola Heights, Garrawarra
Farm, Garawarra Ridge or Coast Track to Otford.
By Pam Campbell
I did this walk with Sydney Bush Walkers in 2015 and then led it myself because I liked it so much. I
love the tall stands of Red Gums and Cabbage Palms along the Forest Path where you can stop and
soak up the atmosphere.
The walk has forests and ocean with an opportunity for swimming at Burning Palms if you take the
Coast Track before finishing at Otford Railway Station.
The walk starts on the eastern side of Waterfall Station. After ¾ kilometre turn right onto the
Couranga Track until you reach the crossing at the Hacking River (see yellow sign on map below).
Bola Heights ridge is the forked track south of Forest Path and which connects to Burgh Track
Walk along the Forest Path, a great place to take in the many species of trees (Casuarinas, Red
Gums, Cabbage Palms and Gymea Lilies). After approximately 1 km you will hear the hum of motor
bikes and cars and you know you have reached Sir Bertram Stevens Drive. Cross the road and
navigate uphill along a narrow ridge towards the coast. After one km of walking uphill and navigating
through coastal shrub you will reach the start of the Bola Heights fire trail.
There are many species of plants along the fire trail eg hakea, melaleuca, banksia, casuarina as well
as the many yellow and white flowered understory plants.
After 3 kms walking the Bola Heights fire trail you reach Garrawarra Farm where you can have
morning tea unless you have already had it at the Hacking River.
There are two options depending how much time you have and how much energy you want to use.
You can take the Burgh Ridge track to South Era and then walk along the coast track to Otford
Station or you can take the Garrawarra Ridge track which is shorter to Otford Station. Both options
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