Page 72 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 72

We continued following the coastline until we reached a remote fishing shack where we then
                  turned around and headed back to the car park. We had covered a mere 10 km but what a day
                  of spectacular scenery and amazing photo opportunities.

                  In subsequent days, we continued our journey south to Corinna Wilderness, where we
                  kayaked on the Pieman and Savage rivers and walked in the lush rain forest of the Tarkine.
                  Truly an amazing experience.

                  I am indebted to Ghada El Ghoul and Adrian Jones for sharing their photos. I had unfortunately
                  dropped my iPhone into the lake in the Central Plateau and was therefore without a camera
                  for this section of the trip.
                  Sheila Walker

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