Page 75 - Our Favourite Walks by Brian Everingham
P. 75

As you walk further in you’ll notice that the area becomes shadier as the foliage becomes thicker
               and eventually you’ll see on your right a wet rock face which at times could actually dripping water. I
               must warn you that I found the area close to it to be a haven for mossies and it’s best to be wearing
               long trousers and long sleeves plus a generous spray of insect repellent (best to apply this at the
               start of the walk).

                             Powerful Owl with chicks – these owls are a regular feature of the area.

               As you go along the walking track you’ll eventually reach the end where it meets the end of a fire
               trail. You can either turn right and follow the fire trail and eventually reach Sproule Street or Waverly
               Place or, like I do, turn right and keep on following the track where you’ll be crossing a little creek.

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