Page 18 - Walls of Jerusalem FlipBook_Neat
P. 18

Day 1 Sunday 8                     th  March 2020

                                                                            Walls Of Jerusalem 8    th  March

                                                                            We are all picked up at our hotels by Stan and in the other vehicle Senna to the
                                                                            carpark at the start of The Walls of Jerusalem National Park. After loading scroggin
                                                                            and our tents we set off for our days walk, and the first challenge is the 350m climb
                                                                            climb up to Trappers Hut along the Walls of Jerusalem Track, along the way we
                                                                            pass Solomon’s Jewels and other Tans and through Herod’s gate, Lake Solome
                                                                            and Damascus Gate between Solomons Throne and The Temple. Then onto
                                                                            Dixon's Hut where we set up our tents for the next 4 nights.

                                                                            It is a longish day starting at about 720m to 1340m and total climb is 620m, with
                                                                            plenty of time for drink stops and photo opportunities arriving at camp at around

                                                                            Being a Tasmanian long weekend we passed many other walkers as well as other
                                                                            members of our bush club on their own walks.

                                                                            Next is time to setup our tents and relax with a cup of hot chocolate and then a
                                                                            lovely dinner prepared by out guides
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