Page 3 - XTRMCLN COVID Booklet
P. 3

The New Standard for

     Candida Auris – Invasive Fungal Infections are               Infection Prevention
     an Emerging Threat

                                                           &OLQLFDO  HIĆFDF\  RI our INFECTION CONTROL PROGRAM,
                                                           iV QRW EDVHG RQ HTXLSPHQW RU FKHPLFDOV DORQH  Only through a
                                                           systematic,  standardized approach to LQIHFWLRQ SUHYHQWLRQ
                                                           FDQ RQH HQVXUH VLJQLĆFDQWO\ EHWWHU results. With XstreamClean’s

                                                           chemistry and end-to-end system you can:

                                                           • Improve compliance standards

                                                           • Eliminate potential failure points from human error
                                                           • Simplify the process with safer technology and chemicals

                                                           • Reduce outbreaks and it's transmission

                                                           • Boost worker happiness, success and overall well-being!

         • C.auris is a deadly fungus infection.           XstreamClean’s  innovative  technology  and standardized process

      Nearly 50% of patients who contract C.auris          help you achieve reliable training and management RI SHUVRQQHO
                                                           DGHTXDWH FRQWDFW WLPH  FRPSOLDQFH ZLWK protocols,  accessibility
                die within 90 days. (CDC)                  to surfaces, and measurable auditing through microbiological
        • 90% of C.auris infections are resistant          analysis.

       to one anti-fungal drug, 30% are resistant
                 to at least two. (CDC).

     On The RISE                              systems, putting them at greater risk for IFD's. High-risk groups include:
                                              An increasing number of people in the U.S. have compromised immune

                                                hospitalized patients                  cancer or transplant patients
                                                  patients undergoing surgery                  patients with chronic diseases

     5DWHV RI LQYDVLYH FDQGLGLDVLV DUH GLIĆFXOW WR HVWLPDWH       Candida auris (C.auris) is an emerging drug-resistant
     and can vary based on time, region, and study type.          IXQJXV WKDW VSUHDGV TXLFNO\ DQG KDV FDXVHG VHULRXV DQG
                                                                  deadly infections in over a dozen countries.

           AGE        40s     50s     60+

     Still, it is clear that overall incidence and related        The CDC estimates that more than one in three patients
     mortality  remain high – especially among  older patients.   in the U.S. with invasive C.auris infection will die.
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