Page 3 - RISE-MARCH 2021
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ADIS stands for the holistic
approach of education that focuses
on developing every child’s physical,
emotional, moral, psychological, and
spiritual attributes. A child is
expected to be his/her better self
today than yesterday in every facet.
School is a child’s first doorway
to the world as the necessary
interaction, communication, and
socialisation skills are established
and developed.
Learning how to live together in
harmony is an essential part of
human growth. It allows us to create a more
empathetic and understanding society. From a
broader perspective, coexistence should extend
From The to living in harmony with nature and all its
beings and conscientiously managing its
Principal’s Desk resources. Hence it is most important to
provide them with adequate opportunities and
innovative endeavours in a safe and friendly
environment to develop these skills.
‘RISE’ – The E-magazine is a platform that is
carefully planned to encourage students to
discover their hidden talents, build their
Mr. Neeraj Bhargava
conscience in appropriate way, and promote
their growth into valuable citizens of the global
Abu Dhabi Indian School
world. Hence students are urged to make use
of this platform to think, create and share.