Page 4 - RISE-MARCH 2021
P. 4
History is more than what meets civil war, or not destroying our environment like how the
the eye 'Industrial Revolution' did. There are many examples of his-
Article tory where our people made mistakes and we learn from
them and hope that we don't do the same thing. I felt that I
learnt a lot about cultures in history, their beliefs and their
"History" when the
values. For example, "Did you know that in the ancient Aztec
majority of people and period human sacrifices were done to a god called "Tlaloc"
students hear this word who was the rain god." or
they only have one "Did you know that the
thing in their famous 'Sistine Chapel' in
mind...BORING!! Well Vatican City took four
not to me and let me years to paint by Michel-
tell you why? angelo and he refused to
History is not boring. Many people think that history is all take help from his workers
about dates, places, rulers and wars. Whereas this just as he thought that their
scratches the surface of what history is. History is about work was inferior to his." I could go on and on about this
cultures, it's about values, it's about languages, it's about and give you more interesting facts on history.
the behaviors of our ancestors and lots more. Sometimes,
you have to look out of the textbooks and research more. I I feel history is such an interesting subject to learn and can
found my love for history when I bought a fun pop-up book make you even more curious. Currently, I listen to podcasts
on Ancient Egypt history. It fascinated my mind and from on different topics in history and I thoroughly enjoy it.
there I researched more, and more, and more. I bought
books on famous personalities and their experiences. I used So, maybe by the end of this, I hope I brought a change in
to read more books on History during the library period. But your mind about the perception of history and maybe en-
my most favorite thing to do was go to a YouTube channel courage you to even research by yourself and know that
called "Extra Credits'' and watch their animated videos on 'History is more than what meets the eye.'
lots of eras in history.
I believe history is important because it teaches us not to Mehek Aysha Suhin
repeat our mistakes that our ancestors did. Like maybe not 8E
bringing up World War 3 in the future, maybe not doing a