Page 4 - RISE - APRIL 2021
P. 4
Gadgets- our loyal servant or master nerisms and attitudes which all of us must never forget
for our childhood is the most innocent part of our lives.
As you all know we are in a dangerous pandemic and rely We use technology also for our work and to attend
heavily on gadgets for almost anything and everything schools but as we do this, we sometimes forget what we
we do. However, as we do this we fall for the trap of are meant to do and end up getting easily distracted. A
gadget’s addiction. Today I, your faithful well-being good way to avoid this is to lock your computer except
minister, will be introducing you to a few small but ef- the few apps and websites which are only required for
fective steps that can make gadgets your loyal us at that time.
servant and not your dangerous master.
Gadgets help us to interact with our loved
Gadgets affect us in the morning ones. It will make us happy to find somebody
reliable with whom we can share our feelings
The very first thing that we all do in the morn-
ing, or at least what most of us do is pick up the phone and make ourselves stress free.
as soon as you wake up. This must be stopped as it dis- Now, let me tell you how we can keep ourselves happy
tracts us from our daily routine and sometimes keeps us and busy without gadgets. I am quite sure that at least
in bed or on the couch for hours without even brushing in every household there will be one or the other board
our teeth! Why, even when I was a kid, I used to do this games. These games keep us happy and occupy quite a lot
but after I grew up, I became aware of its dangers and of our time. Reading books or pursuing our inner talents
immediately put an end to it. A good way to keep us away is also an alternative. And above all, go for short walks
from the phone in the morning is to set up clock alarms or at least breathe in some fresh air regularly. Now I
or maybe you can use your phone (if you keep it far away would like to end with a popular saying “The best gadget
and keep the rooster ringtone), goals and targets of the is the human brain”.
day and thus the timetable is the ultimate solution.
Gadgets kill creativity
Secondly most of us tend to use the internet for al-
most anything and everything which kills the creativity Name: Shrikar Nagarajan
and thinking skills of children. On the other hand adults Class : 7F
also are affected, they lose their inner childlike man-
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” Many people love travelling, including me. Trav-
elling plays an important part in making us feel relaxed and rejuvenated. It also brings positive changes in our life
and keeps us alive and active. Travelling has become easier due to advancement in technology and transportation.
Earlier people use to travel by road or sea and it takes many days to reach from one place to another. However, now
the scenario has changed and people travel to far off places within hours and minutes-thanks to well-built roads and
aeroplanes. People travel for different purposes, some travel for the sake of education while others travel to relax
and enjoy. Many people take a break from their hectic schedule and go for a vacation, this makes them feel delight-
ful and help them to invigorate. Now we are not able to travel as how we wish due to Covid restrictions and when
Covid is finally over, I want to explore different places with my family. Travelling is an important part of human
life. “Age is no barrier when it comes to travel “. Name: kate Cardoza