Page 6 - RISE - APRIL 2021
P. 6
The Old Lonely House The Rainy Day
I was walking home from school. Our family had moved in this part of town
just yesterday. My first day at school had been good. My father dropped On a cold windy day,
me at the school in the morning, but I had to walk home after school. I
was halfway to my home when I saw an old-fashioned double story wooden I was walking through the way,
house. It seemed abandoned. There was Clouds were dark and black,
no light nor sound coming from the
house. The house had a few roof tiles Just like the black cat.
missing. The once white color walls were I gazed and gazed at the sky,
cracked and the paint had peeled off. Waiting for a droplet of rain.
The house had a big garden. But the
flowers had dried up, the trees had no
leaves and it was full of weeds. I knew I
shouldn’t have set foot inside but curios-
ity got the better of me. I walked
through the weeds to the house. There
was no door; it had rotten away. The
floorboards creaked and some were rot-
ten too. The gritty windows were either One drop falling down on
boarded up or broken. The house was infested with rats. Most of the fur-
niture was eaten up by termites. There was no electricity nor water. The I stopped for a moment
house felt eerie and dark even though it was day time. There were a few They roll on down…
surviving lanterns which had no oil in them. You can see a pond if you look
through the broken window but it was completely dried up and cracked.
There was a clear inch of dust and grit on the floor. I didn’t trust the
staircase to the next floor because it looked like it will break the moment,
I set foot on it. I looked around and found a portrait of some people I
didn’t recognize. I continued exploring the house and then I realized I
was late and had to get home before my mother starts worrying. I was
about to leave when I heard a crash from the top floor. It was something
breaking. I should have run out of the house according to my instincts but I couldn’t resist myself.
something held me back. I put my foot on the stairs, expecting it to
break. But it didn’t. I cautiously stepped on one stair after another. When Surprisingly, it was the
I reached the top, I saw a broken vase and a mouse running from it. But First day of the rainy day !
then I had a whole floor to explore. But the weird thing was it had no win-
dows or any paintings. I took a right and went along the corridor. The
house was bigger than it looked from outside. I took a lot of turns before
I realized I was lost. Every corridor looked the same for me. I don’t know
how long I spent in finding the stairs. It was 9 pm. I was supposed to
reach home at 5 pm after the school finished at 4:30 pm. It was pitch
black. It was another hour after I found the staircase back down. But I
was confused. It was daytime. I looked at my watch and it now read 4:45
Name: Aabel Angelo Name: Krithika Umasankar
Class: 7C Class: 8C