Page 10 - St Edmund's School Yearbook 2014
P. 10

 Ms Sheena Macdonald
At Eddie’s we pride ourselves on keeping all subjects exciting and vibrant, with English certainly being no exception. We project our passion for the subject by employing a range of teaching and learning methods as well as cooperative learning strategies. We promote literacy and encourage not only an understanding of literature but a genuine enjoyment that will stay with our students for life.
This year has seen each class engage in many ways, ensuring lots of dynamic happenings. A real highlight was Book Week which had students and staff participate in a guessing competition of who loved which book. The 3 winners were announced in assembly.
Our Peer Tutoring, which supports our reading and literacy programs has been a huge success. 12G proved to be wonderful tutors to 8S engaging with live theatre, 7A travelled by train to the Opera House to see Pinocchio and all Year 7s were enthralled by Circus Quirkus. 7W have discovered the many facets of Cinderella, choosing the Chinese Cinderella as the most popular.
8S have embraced the new platform for learning – Haiku. They’ve been developing their knowledge of rules, even developing some of their own rules. 8A have especially loved the independence that Haiku gives them to explore a topic and work at their own pace.
9J have been exploring the meaning of ‘hero’ and found some very special heroes among themselves. Penni’s mum was voted number 1 ‘Hero’ by the class. Meanwhile 9H displayed their creative side in response to their study of Roald Dahl’s novel, James and the Giant Peach, producing animals and bugs using modelling clay.
Rocking to ‘The
Sapphires’ inspired 10C
to explore moving making
and story lines, while
10O looked at the hero of
a series of books, ‘Lockie
Leonard’ to deepen their
understanding and comprehension skills, while keeping the class entertained with his adventures.
“Opinion Time” was very popular with 11W and saw many arguments formed and issues debated such as ‘iPads in schools’. The John Marsden novel ‘Tomorrow When the War Began’ was studied by 11M and compared with the movie version, with students discovering and discussing the differences and similarities.
  7S off to see Pinocchio at the Opera House

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