Page 22 - St Edmund's School Yearbook 2014
P. 22

2014 was my first year in the TAS team and it has certainly been an exciting and rewarding one. Eddie’s Master Chefs have cooked up a storm each week this year, producing dishes from around the globe, from beautifully inspired Italian food to Asian noodles and the great Aussie Anzac biscuit.
Collectively we promoted Fruit and Vegetable month at the end of term 3 and produced fruit and vegie faces. Who said you can’t play with your food!
The year 10 students have been producing catering menus for important dates throughout the year, such as lunch for the Board members, the Mother’s Day High Tea and Father’s Day
Fun in the kitchen
breakfast, where their service skills were tested as well.
Mrs Jessica Saxon
   The year 9 students had a chance to work with students from Mount St Benedict College on a learning partnership program, and also tried their hand at catering for larger groups, such as helping out with the Dish, serving up meals for those in need.
Food Technology has developed students’ knowledge, skills and awareness of the importance of food in improving their own health and wellbeing. They have also learnt fundamental skills about Food Preparation, Safety in the Kitchen, and Basic Nutrition, all the time having great food and lots of fun.

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