Page 20 - St Edmund's School Yearbook 2014
P. 20

2014 saw Year 7 and 8 students undertake three projects. Our new Year 7 students had fun creating a Serving Tray for Mother’s Day, A5 Aluminum Folder, Mug Stand and a Stationery Logo design while our Year 8 students constructed a Foot Stool, Table Lamp and CD Clock. Their experiences have contributed in building their confidence over the year, which has been tremendous, sharing individual accomplishment with their fellow peers. This year our Year 7 students also used iPads to produce a design folio which included a Cutting List, Construction Procedure and importing images of workshop tools, labelling and describing their uses.
It is great to see the students continue to use the equipment in the workshop producing projects which they are proud of and creating a safe work environment.
Mr Noel Bruchhauser

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