Page 18 - St Edmund's School Yearbook 2014
P. 18
Students have studied a range of topics in HSIE this year. In History, years 7 and 8 students were introduced to the Ancient Past, while years 9 and 10 students focussed on the History of Australia.
Soldiers Blaney and Zaid
Mrs Judy Welsh
In Geography in years 7 and 8, the learning focus is about what is Geography and studying Global Environments. During years 9 and 10 the emphasis is on Australian geography and our relationship with the world.
The needs of our students vary, so it is important we use a wide range of learning opportunities and materials. The Staff works collaboratively in designing and making adjustments to programs which will assist students in their learning opportunities. These Learning opportunities will skill our students, develop knowledge and understanding and enhance attitudes and responsibilities through the study of History and Geography Life Skill outcomes.
This year we had the opportunity to experience items from World War 1 through a Memorial box from the Australian War memorial. Students were able to model uniforms and get hands-on with such items as medals, canteens and letters. Students in year 7 have been busy producing a range of creations from mummies to dioramas of the coral reef. Senior students visited the local war memorial and studied different Settlements in Australia and our Global Connections.
All students were engaged in a variety of digital presentations to their peers. This year with the introduction of Liberate Blended learning and student iPads, students were able to investigate their study areas more independently and in a variety of ways.
Army Nurses Penni, Annalise and Lara