Page 11 - Progetta Donna
P. 11

As shown in Figure 6, the most dominant role of women on executive boards was that of secretary, with 70% of Italian organisations having a woman in the role of secretary. The second most dominant role was that of treasurer with 50% of Italian organisations having a woman as treasurer. Of note is that 40% of Italian organisations had a woman as president (arrow) while only 17% had a woman as vice president.
 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%
ExecutiveMember ExecutiveMember 12
Secretary Treasurer
            Role on executive board
Figure 6: Percentage of organisations with women in various roles on their executive boards.
As we needed a benchmark to understand the data, we compared the results of this survey showing 40% of presidents of Italian organisations in SA being women with the data extracted from the Com.It.Es. SA database which has the (declared) gender of all presidents of all Italian organisations in SA. The results differed, with the latter showing that only 27% (23 out of a total of 84 Italian organisations in SA) had a woman as president (Figure 7)4.
This difference seems to indicate that a greater proportion of the Italian organisations that responded to the survey were organisations that have a woman as president.
This demonstrates that there is a bias in our data as more organisations led by women were inclined to partake in our survey.
Women 23, 27%
Men 61, 73%
Figure 7: Distribution of presidents of organisations, according to the Database of Com.It.Es. SA.
4 In 2023, in-depth research was undertaken in updating data regarding the presidents of all Italian organisations in South
Australia, however we recognise the possibility of potential mistakes due to new boards being elected.
Percentage of organisations (%)

   9   10   11   12   13