Page 26 - October 7 - Teresa Pirola
P. 26

What Just Happened? Jews Were Massacred and the Catholic Church Was Silent
 “ As the Catholic public silence set in, I wrote ” this article as a voice of protest and posted it on
14 November 2023
nvolving murder, rape, mutilation and the abduction of civilians would constitute a clear case for moral condemnation by Catholics. One shouldn’t need to consult Catholic social teaching in order to ascertain that the torture of children or the gang rape
One would think that a massive act of terror i
of women are heinous crimes.
However, in those initial days, as the carnage of Hamas’ attacks upon Israeli communities on October 7, 2023, began to come to light, an uncomfortable silence descended upon my church, the Catholic Church in Australia, and it has been deafening ever since.
What made the silence particularly disturbing was that that these attacks were directed at Jewish communities, with a brutality and sadism reminiscent of Nazi violence against Jews during the Holocaust. They were carried out by a listed terrorist organisation whose founding charter is openly and violently antisemitic.

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