Page 4 - Transworld SME Brochure
P. 4
The numbers
o There are many ways to appraise a business
o We use historical sales data from multiple different
sources and systems
o Recent Comparable sales
o We review what is on the market at the time o We refer to benchmarking tools we utilise
o Once we have some information from the business (generally last 3 years financials – asset register – lease and any other pertinent information requested) we provide a more
detailed appraisal
Transworld proposed
fee structure
“Each business is different – a fee proposal is provided on a case by case basis for every opportunity.”
Transworld North Sydney has 2 parts to their fee structure.
Establishment Fee – Paid when we are engaged to be your business broker – this is when the sale process commences.
o Reviewing all the business information provided
o Recasting the financials for the past few years o Providing a business appraisal
o Our unique 18-point sales and marketing plan o Industry and local research
o Building a Comprehensive Information Memorandum and 1 Page deal sheet
Success fee Sold! – only paid when sold
o A % of agreed sale price achieved – % or minimum fee discussed on a case by case basis
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Thank You
The Directors and Team at Transworld would like to thank you for taking the time to consider us to sell your business. We take great pride in our track record and enjoy working with business owners to help
them achieve the best sale price available.
Besides being successful brokers the Directors of Transworld North Sydney have all owned, operated, managed and invested in businesses – we understand what it takes to be a business owner and what is takes
for an owner to sell a business.
Transworld Business Advisors
Level 32, 101 Miller Street North Sydney, NSW 2060
Ph 1300 771 905
License No 10086944 License No 10046926