Page 6 - ANZCP Gazette May 2023
P. 6
Carla Zazulak CCP, FANZP
On behalf of the Executive of the Australia and New Zealand College of Perfusion, I would like to thank you for your ongoing support over what is arguably still a volatile and challenging period.
Covid remains in our communities, and we continue to face ongoing challenges across health workforces as well as in the communities of the people we serve in both Australia and New Zealand. I acknowledge these challenges and wish to thank you all for your service.
I’d like to welcome our new Executive members who are a fantastic addition. Christopher Morley – President Elect, Rose Belbin – Ordinary Member, and Camilla Hand – Registrar, as well as to thank ongoing members Britney Westbrook – Secretary, and Kirri Hogan – Treasurer. To have a great Executive, one needs members who are engaged and inspired and understand how to help. I believe we are in a very good position moving forward.
Thank you to the ANZBP for their ongoing efforts in Perfusion education and Perfusion certification in our region.
Andrea Hunt continues to do a stellar job as our administration officer – thank you Andrea!
Last year's combined 3SCTS meeting in Cairns, Queensland was well attended and successful both in terms of scientific content and socially – with a return to in-person attendance and financially for the ANZCP. Many thanks for the hard work of the 2022 ASM organising and scientific committee – Rob Baker, Kuljeet Farrar, Britney Westbrook and Andrea Hunt.
Plans are well underway for the 2023 ASM in Sydney at the Kimpton Margot Hotel – this will be an exciting meeting and I’m looking forward to seeing many of you there. One feature of this year’s ASM will be a ‘Pre-AGM open session’ allowing members both in person and virtually to discuss important current topics and have an opportunity to ask questions prior to the formal AGM that will be held virtually to allow as many members as possible to participate.
I would like to take this chance to acknowledge the upcoming final ‘Perfusion Downunder’ meeting in Queenstown in August and to also congratulate the organising committee and faculty well known to us all – Rob Baker, Tim Willcox, Michael McDonald and Bernadette Tackney. The meeting which started in 2005 has been a truly inspiring scientific and social highlight in our region and will be undoubtedly missed. I am grateful to have been able to attend many of these Winter meetings over the years.
I would also like to bring your attention to a timely and vital Qualitrics Workforce Survey being sent out looking at current and likely future workforce challenges for our profession – your participation is greatly appreciated as the data provided will help us to better understand ourselves, and in understanding ourselves, we are able to better plan and give insight to the ANZCP Executive and ANZBP allowing us to better serve the perfusion community. The anonymous, deidentified results of this survey are to be presented and discussed at the Annual Scientific Meeting.
I also take this opportunity to send heartfelt condolences to the Shann family in Boston, USA who have lost their 15-year-old daughter Emily in a tragic accident. Kenny Shann, a former AmSECT President, is known to many of us in the Perfusion community. Kenny has attended several of our ANZCP ASMs over the years including being a guest speaker at the most recent 3SCTS meeting in Cairns which he attended with his wife Rita. Our love and thoughts are with them.
I hope that we can move forward supporting each other in a respectful and inclusive way – working together for the mutual benefit of our profession and in service to our patients and their families. We are a small yet incredible group of clinicians who are most resilient and successful when we work collaboratively.
3 MAY 2023 |