Page 8 - ANZCP Gazette May 2023
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applicants. At the time of writing, the university has short listed several applicants and aims to interview in the next two weeks. If the feasibility study is successful, the CDT will be able to commence their roles in collating and finessing the existing course materials and work with faculty to adapt some of their current courses to suit our needs (e.g. pharmacology, anatomy, physiology). I welcome queries, concerns, and discussion on anything regarding this proposed course – it is still early days and if the business case is approved, we will then bring the proposal to the membership to vote on prior to commencing course development.
The autotransfusion course is now being managed by Keith Adkins, our newest Board member (Welcome!) who has had a full handover from Adriano Luongo. It is running well so far, with term 2 commencing later in May. Members are reminded that they are eligible for free enrolment into the autotransfusion course – a great way to refresh learnings on interoperative cell salvage and gain CPD points! Please contact Keith to register
Many of you have already submitted your recertification data for this year – a reminder to those who have not yet done so, it is due by 31st May. If there are any applications for hardship, please contact Casey Edwards at ASAP, with your request and supporting documents to ensure we can find a solution for you prior to the May 31st deadline. Also, we have been advised of the need to increase our auditing of recertification to comply with NASRHP
membership application requirements, so please keep your supporting documentation handy, in case you are audited. On NASRHP, the Board have been tasked with developing competency standards which will be used to assess the minimum standard of entry-level perfusionists we accredit. This is large task, so we are working with senior members of the perfusion community who have graciously put their hands up to help advise on these; thank you for volunteering your time, it is very much appreciated!
Thank you to all members of the Board – Casey, Wendy Saad Salib, Pat O’Neill, Ghaz Jabur, Alex and Keith - who give many hours of their time to keep everything going, their commitment is incredibly generous and needs to be commended. The team always step up to new challenges (e.g. competency standards) and do their best to keep everything moving forwards despite working fulltime and most juggling young families at the same time. I am looking forward working with you all into the second 6 months of the year to keep advancing education in our region.
Keith Adkins CCP, FANZCP
 I am new to the role of Autotransfusion course coordinator and am currently navigating my way through my first semester. Many thanks to Adrian Luongo who has been very helpful and answered many questions while I find my feet.
The course is already very well set up in the front end and I have done a bit of work behind the scenes to streamline the enrolment process.
There are currently 25 students enrolled including many anaesthetists, anaesthetic technicians, nurses, even a medical secretary and, of course, perfusionists. There are a further 21 students enrolled for the next semester.
We have students from all over Australia and New Zealand. We also have students from America, Hong Kong, UAE and even Ecuador! Clearly the good word of the course has reached far and wide.
Remember that ANZCP members can access the course for free. The autotransfusion is a great resource for sharpening up Autotransfusion knowledge.
Also feel free to spruik the course to your nursing and medical colleagues.
The next course will start on 22nd May 2023 and registrations for that semester can be taken until Friday 26th May
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