P. 18

Day Four: Return to the Darkness

           (Scene: Nights in a club that is more lively and full of glitter than ever. Music shook the walls,

           glittering neon lights broke the darkness. Ameria, Koktayla, Morgan, and Whizki sat in the corner
           of the room. Even though they had just felt the realization of their deeds, tonight everyone seemed

           to be immersed in escape again. Alcoholic drinks filled their glasses, and empty laughter sounded

           from each other's lips.)

           *Ameria (full of regret):*

           While staring at his glass, his voice was a bit weak, but he tried to smile

           "It's funny... Just yesterday we talked about changing and fixing everything. But look at us now. Go

           back to the same place, do the same thing."

           (A cat that has been burned will fear fire.")

           *Koktayla (attention):*

           Laughing a little, but his smile was a bit forced

           "Ameria, it's okay. We all need time to really change. After all, who says we can't have fun before

           we start dealing with those problems?"

           (While diving, drink water.")

           *Morgan (wise):*

           While looking at Ameria with a calm gaze, but there was a hidden sense of disappointment

           "We are indeed human, American. Sometimes we stumble again, even when we know the right path.

           But what matters is how we react afterwards."

           (Fall seven times, stand up eight.")

           *Whizki (closed):*

           His voice was cold, a little cynical

           "What's  important?  In  fact,  we  are  here,  again.  Pretend  that  everything  is  fine,  while  sinking

           ourselves deeper into the same darkness. Maybe we can't get away from all this."

           (Too far from the light.")

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