Page 281 - The Exceptional Harley Fetterman
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             precedence on his character and his achievements in order to continue
             to motivate Harley's lifelong supporters to continue with his mission
             of advocacy both for people with blindness/visual impairments and
             also for kids with cancer. Additionally, the author wished to make sure
             that Harley's legacy, his endearing smile, and relentless energy will
             never be forgotten.
               After   studying   so   many   intimate   details   of   Harley's   life   in
             preparation for this biography, the author realized with conviction
             what really created the memory of that day she first met Harley.
             Indeed, the memory of that pleasantly sunny and warm day was
             actually his sincere, sunny smile and his warm, support-filled voice
             uplifting the hearts of her family with his gift of reassurance and
             support for her grandson, Blake. This special memory of just one
             meeting with Harley impressed within her the real source of the title,
             “The Exceptional Harley Fetterman.”

               In order to not interrupt the storytelling rendition and style of the
             life   of   Harley   Fetterman,   the   author   has   purposely   included   all
             reference resources in this final chapter at the end of the biography.
             Sources for further investigation and clarification are listed within this

                                Strategic Information Sources

               Support organizations  were a vital source utilized by Harley's
             parents   to   locate   the   resources   needed   to   give   Harley   every
             opportunity to develop his intellect and his skills in every life activity.
             Harley's multiple medical teams, the Austin ISD where he attended
             school, national  foundations  supporting blindness  and cancer, the
             family church environment, and local kids' sports organizations were
             just some of multiple sources providing the support that all families
             need to face in situations such as Harley's. This biography is not
             meant to be all inclusive of all avenues utilized by parents. It is not
             meant to be a road map of how or when to search out important
             services. This biography does not even include every single support
             system in Harley's remarkably diverse and full life. The purpose of
             this biography is intended to reveal Harley's exceptional experiences
             portrayed within a background of his real-life circumstances. The

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