Page 2 - 2021 Beach Ball Program
P. 2

A Message From

                     Executive Director CEO Tom Fodor

               Welcome to our new fun reality!

               This is the first ever hybrid Beach Ball, now entering its 18
               year!  For me, it is my ninth. In that time, I am pleased to
               report that we have grossed half a million dollars- yes,
               $500,000- for our compassionate brand of free residential
               hospice care!  All provided at the award winning and

               community supported Abbie Hunt Bryce Home!

               We always ask that you support the sponsors that support our mission. Truth is,

               our Title Sponsor, PNC, turned that around a bit during my tenure here at
               Morning Light with their constant collaboration in our operations!  They have
               been our main banker and investment lead for several years.  They also extended

               Morning Light a line of credit which was crucial in our ability to upgrade an office
               building we had inherited. We were able to eventually sell it and refocus on
               hospice and senior care!  Last year they were our PPP partner, and this year
               topped it off with becoming our first ever Title Sponsor.

               Thanks to Connie Bond Stuart, Jason Vohs, and Kristin Seward for their
               partnership. Hopefully their commitment will inspire everyone here to do his/her

               part to support a mission unique to central Indiana. A mission that makes it
               possible so every person has the opportunity to pass from this life in dignity,
               surrounded by compassion!  All thanks to our free residential hospice home, The

               Abbie Hunt Bryce Home, and the community that supports this cause! Thank you
               for your generosity!
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