Page 4 - 2021 Beach Ball Program
P. 4
: The Abbie Hunt Bryce Home
4760 Pennwood Drive Indianapolis, IN 46205
Rachael Winbush, Home Operations Director, 317.860.0484,
Dai’Ja Lewis, Referral Specialist, 317.989.6164,
The Home was created for our neighbors like Ken (left) and
Denise (right) to serve Central Indiana residents who are
Indianapolis’s Award Winning terminally ill, in financial need, and need a free place to live
Free Hospice Residence! where they can conclude life’s journey.
We are a Medicaid Waiver Provider which creates more
opportunities to serve those in our community who may
In November 2018 Morning Light’s Abbie otherwise be overlooked!
Hunt Bryce Home won top prize for We can also accommodate medical or hospice respite on a
Serious Illness Management case by case basis.
Innovation in a nationwide contest Capacity:
sponsored by Boston University’s The Home consists of three townhouse units with a total of
Institute for Health System Innovation twelve bedrooms.
& Policy. Staff:
CNA certified staff on site 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
The Abbie Hunt Bryce Home opened in Medical Support:
2004 through the generous private Any licensed hospice in Central Indiana may provide services to
contributions of individuals, foundations, residents.
and corporations. Ongoing fundraising Referrals:
helps to underwrite all operating The Home accepts referrals from: hospitals; charitable
expenses so residents stay for free! organizations; physicians; hospice programs; faith-based
We have served close to organizations; and self or family members.
700 Hoosiers since the Home Volunteers enhance the quality of life for our residents
opened in 2004! providing cooking, cleaning and companionship.
To contribute or to learn more about the Abbie Hunt Bryce Home and Morning Light, visit