Page 13 - March 2020final
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                    EVENING BOOK CLUB:                          NOWRUZ PERSIAN
                        “OLIVE, AGAIN”                              NEW YEAR

         Thursday, March 5
           Library • 7:30 p.m.
                                                                  Saturday, March 7
        Chat  with  neighbors                                       Terrace Lounge
        about a book that made                                         4 – 9 p.m.
        Oprah’s  List  of  Books                                    $5 Per Person or
        to read in 2019!                                          Bring a Dish to Share

        Olive,  Again,  is  the  se-                            The  Youth  Committee
        quel    to    Elizabeth                                 will  host  a  Nowruz
        Strout’s Olive Kittering,                               (Persian New Year) cele-
        and  it  shows  how  the                                bration  with  the  support
        title  character  struggles                             of  Iranian  and  Afghan
        to  understand  life  for                               families  living  at  WAL.
        herself  and  others  in  a                             The celebration will consist of traditional music and food
        small  town  in  Maine.                                 served for Nowruz.
        The   book  addresses
        birth, death, confessions                               Pre-registration will be at the Activities Office, where at-
        and  an  undesirable  gift                              tendees  may either list a dish they will bring to share with
        as it points towards transcendent grace.                others or pay $5 per person.

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