Page 9 - March 2020final
P. 9
By Rashawnda Atkinson
Are you considering upgrading your
floors from carpet to hardwood, vi-
nyl plank or another solid surface?
They may be beautiful to look at and
can increase your unit’s value if
properly maintained.
But there’s a potential drawback to
getting them installed in your unit.
Everyday noises, such as walking or
the occasional dropped item, can be
amplified due to carpet usually be-
ing installed with padding that other
floor types do not require.
Please note that all third level units Be sure that your hardwood floors are covered per WAL’s rules and regulations.
and above must be carpeted and
padded with wall-to-wall carpeting that areas commonly walked on are this requirement, but they must meet
preferred. However, Section 6.8 (a) also carpeted and padded with no the minimum thickness needed to
(10) of the Bylaws of Watergate at less than 3/8” or 7/10” high density reduce sounds. Besides carpet, any
Landmark allows for carpeting over material as an approved condition. flooring must be padded per our
at least 80% of the floor provided Throw rugs may be used to meet community’s governing documents.
March 2020 Wheel Page 9