Page 10 - March 2019 Wheel
P. 10


        By Rashawnda Atkinson

        Our  Seniors  Committee  and  Senior   of  American  adults  do  not  have  a   everyone involved.
        Services  of  Alexandria  are  jointly   will or living trust in place according
        hosting  an  event  that  may  provide   to  a  2017  survey  given   Don’t let your perceived lack of as-
        you  with  tips  and  information  on   to over 1,000 adults. This is especial-  sets  or  procrastination--two  main
        how to prepare your wills and trusts.   ly  alarming  when  according  to  that   reasons  people  delay  this  important
                                             same survey 78% of people ages 18 -   step  in  their  lives  according  to
        The WAL communi-                                                                         AARP. Even if you
        ty is invited to attend                                                                  don’t     consider
        the Wills and Trusts     Attend the Watergate Workshop on Wills and                      yourself  wealthy,
        Workshop  at  Wa-      Trusts on Monday, March 18 from 1:30 - 3 p.m.                     “what you do have
        tergate   at   Land-                                                                     means  something
        mark’s      Terrace                    in the Terrace Lounge.                            to  somebody”  says
        Lounge  on  Monday,                                                                      Jody  Giles,  author
        March  18,  from  1:30  -  3  p.m.  Pre-  36  and  64%  of  those  37  -  52  years   of  Missing  Pieces  Plan:  Providing
        senters will include lawyers special-  old do not have anything in place in   You and Your Loved Ones Peace of
        izing in these areas. Anyone interest-  case  of  an  emergency.  When  this   Mind. Life can happen at anytime.
        ed is encouraged to attend the event.   happens, your state laws govern your
                                             care and final wishes, which may go   So  bring  your  pad,  pen,  and  ques-
        It’s  never  too  early  or  late  to  think   against your personal desires. Having   tions  to  the Wills  and Trusts Work-
        about how you want your affairs han-  these documents in place help make   shop  on  Monday,  March  18  at  1:30
        dled in the future. An alarming 60%   the process a smoother transition for   p.m.!

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