Page 8 - March 2019 Wheel
P. 8

        By Rashawnda Atkinson

                                                                the  City's  waterfront,”  and  contribute  to  area  vitality,  and
                                                                complement neighboring businesses well.

                                                                DC Food Tours Expands to Old Town
                                                                Experience  the  history,  culture,  and  food  of  Alexandria
                                                                through Carpe DC Food Tour’s expansion into Old Town
                                                                Alexandria beginning this month. This tour meshes history,
                                                                culture, and food in a 3-hour tour throughout Old Town Al-
                                                                exandria. As a key player in shaping American history from
                                                                the  Revolutionary  War  onward,  attendees  learn  about  the
                                                                city’s evolution as they sample dishes at participating restau-
          The market site is expected to have public seating, artisan sta-
                                         tions and a food trailer.      rants. This is the company’s first tour hosted outside the Dis-
                           Photo: Alexandria Planning Commission   trict. A portion of each ticket sold goes to help feed those in
                                                                need through DC’s non-profit Bread for the City according
         Winter’s chilly blast is gone and warmer days are ahead—  to the company’s website.
         we hope. As we say so long to our wonky winter and em-
         brace spring and its warmer weather, here are a few things to   Visitors can choose from multiple tours based on their inter-
         check out that may help you shake off that cabin fever our   ests  and  preferences.  The  Boutique  Old  Town  Food  Tour
         wintry weather brought on.                             hosts a guided tour for around eight people with tastings at
                                                                five  locations  plus  one  alcohol  tasting.  Expect  to  sample
         Outdoor Market Coming to Old Town’s                    some “soul food, a new take on an egg roll…and local beer
         Waterfront                                             from a pub that’s lasted the test of time” according to Col-
         The Alexandria City Council unanimously approved a pro-  lins.  These  tours
         posed outdoor market on 2,000 square feet of land facing the   start  at  11:30  a.m.
         Potomac River Waterfront on 105 and 107 N. Union Street   on  Fridays,  Satur-
         at the February 23, 2019 City Council meeting. Behind this   days,  and  Sundays
         push for an outdoor market is Alexandria Restaurant Part-  with  an  $89  ticket
         ners (ARP) Waterfront LLC, the owners of Vola’s Dockside   per  patron.  DC
         Grill and current tenants over the proposed site.      Carpe  Tours  also
                                                                offers    seasonal
         The outdoor market will host a 90-seat dining area with both   tours.  The  current
         umbrella-covered tables and open dining areas according to   seasonal  offering  is
         the  Alexandria  Planning  Commission’s  (APC)  staff  report   Alexandria  Tastes
         on February 5. A portable Airstream trailer will serve tacos,   of  Spring  Cherry
         soft drinks, and beer in the warmer months. The area itself   Blossom   Food
         will be roped per Virginia ABC regulations. Artist stations   Crawl  11  a.m.—5
         around the seating area provide creatives a space to make,   p.m.  on  Sunday,
         display and sell art. This ties in with the artistic atmosphere   April  7.  Ten  res-  Visit  to
         set  by  the  proposed  market’s  next-door  neighbor  Torpedo   taurants  are  in-  learn  more  about  upcoming  events.
         Factory Arts Center, “home to the nation’s largest collection   volved on this self  Photo: Mary Collins
         of working-artists’ open studios under one roof” according   -guided   tour,
         to its website. Additional parking isn’t available according to   with  an  $80  price  point  for  6  tastings  or  $96  for  8  tast-
         the same report, so you’ll have to find street parking or go to   ings. Southern fried chicken, specialty ice cream, hand-made
         a nearby parking garage.                               chocolates and local seafood are on deck for this event. All
                                                                tours have a vegetarian option for the same price.
         According to the  APC’s staff report the proposed  outdoor
         market  “at  this  location  would  further  enhance  the  public   Enjoy  your  time  this  spring  as  you  explore  all  the  great
         seating, dining and entertainment options in the plaza along   things to do around Alexandria!

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