Page 165 - Face2Face Pre inter
P. 165
Oh, dear. That could beJ jc embarrassing. N Sounds good. And what's the weather P Well, we'll have to get the next flight. Just
N Yes...2...-and)n both Japane~and Chinese like? relax, all right?
the word for 'four' means 'death' - so L Well, it's often wet and windy - Ireland W OK, sorry. Oh, I hate going on holiday.
you shouldn't giv.!:_.,anyone fourJ rc of is famous for its rain - and in winter it's Next year let's just stay at home.
anything. freezing, of course. But on a sunny day P Fine by me.
I In theJ jc UK weJ jc often give flowers. Is there's no better place in the world. &2
that the sam~all~over the world? N So when is the best time to visit?
N Yes, but you still need to be careful. In L Well, the weather in July and August is I'll lose my job -+ If I'm late again, I'll lose
countries like Turkey, forJr/~example, you usually quite good, but probably the best my job. I we won't get there in time -+ If we
shouldn't give your hostess white flowers - time to visit is around St Patrick's Day, don't leave soon, we won't get there m ttme. I
peopl~only give white flowers~at funerals. which is on March 17rh. if you get a taxi-+ You'll be OK if you get a
And you must giv.!:_.,an~odd numberJr/~of N OK. What happens then? taxi. I we'll miss the plane -+ If we don't
• •
flowers - an~even numberJ r/)s unlucky. L In Dublin there's St Patrick's festival, get there by five, we'll miss the plane. I if
I never knew giving presents was so which is brilliant. Everyone in the city we're to•o late -+ What will we do if we're
difficult! Neil Palmer, thank you for wears green and it's basically one long to•o late? I I'll take you o•ut for dinner
• •
comin.gjn to talk toJw/~us today. party for three days and nights. instead -+ If we don't find them, I'll take you
N It was~a pleasure. N That sounds fun. I really must go. o•ut for dinner inste•ad.
bl·B•>s &s2 L You'll have a fantastic time, I promise. -3
Hey, would you like to see some photos of
LIAM Hi Natalia. Are you enjoying the Dublin? JIM Now, what else do I have to do? OK. I
party? N Yes, that would be great. won't leave the office until I finish this report.
NATALIA Oh, hi Liam. Yes, it's great, L I've got some on my mobile phone, I think. I need that for the meeting in Rome. Right,
thanks. You weren't in the office last what's next? Oh, yes, I need some euros. OK,
week, were you? as soon as I finish the report I'll go to the
L No, I went back to Dublin to visit my 1 KEIRA Morning, Hannah. Do you want bank. They'll still be open, I think. If not,
parents for a few days. some coffee? I'll get some at the airport. Right - tickets ...
N Really? I've always wanted to go to HANNAH No, thanks, Keira. I haven't got Oliver organised the tickets ... I'll call him
Ireland. What's Dublin like? time. I overslept ... again. when I get home, just to check everything's
L Well, it's the capital city, of course, but K Oh, dear. A late night, was it? OK. And I'll phone the hotel to check our
it's changed a lot since I was a child. Now H Yes, a bit. Look, I have to go. If I'm late reservations after I talk to him. Um ... what
it's very cosmopolitan and parts of it are again, I'll lose my job. time do I have to be at the airport? ... Ugh,
very modern. K Don't worry. You'll be OK if you get a wow, that's early - I think I'll pack before
N Right. taxi. I go to bed. OK, that's everything, I think.
L The city centre is very touristy too, but H Yes, good idea. Now, where's that report?
K Have you got the number of a taxi
Dublin is still a great place to visit. -4
N I don't know much about Ireland, company?
actually. What are the people like? H Yes, I have. I'll call them now. ANNA Well, my life has changed completely,
L Well they're very welcoming and they K Right, have a good day. of course. After Tom was born I was quite
really like tourists. I think you'd find H You too. See you later. depressed for a few weeks, but I'm less
them very helpful and relaxed. 2 JIM Where are the car keys? I can't find stressed about things now. Martin helps
N Does everyone speak English? them anywhere. when he's home, but I get upset when he
L Yes, but sometimes the accent is a bit hard MICHELLE I don't know, Jim. Where did says he's got too much work to do. I have to
to understand - even for me! A lot of you put them last? work 24 hours a day! Tom isn't sleeping well
people speak Irish Gaelic too. J That's a silly question, isn't it? at the moment, so I never get enough sleep
N OK. M What time does the film start? and then I don't have enough energy to do
L And Dubliners are very sociable - they anything. Now I'm at home all the time with
J In about twenty-five minutes.
love getting together in the evenings, and M Well, if we don't leave soon, we won't get the baby, it can be quite lonely. I haven't been
having a drink, and listening to people there in time. out with my friends since Tom was born so
playing Irish folk music. And of course I don't really have a social life. But I'm never
J Yes, I know. Maybe you can help me look
Dublin has some of the best pubs in for them. bored - I've always got too many things to
the world. Do you know Guinness, our M Are they in your coat pocket? do and there isn't enough time to do them all.
famous black beer? J No, they're not. I've looked. But there are lots of good things about being
N Yes, I've had Guinness here in England. M OK, I'm just trying to help. a mum too. I was very excited when Tom
L Ah, but English Guinness is not like Irish J I'm sorry. Look, if we don't find them, I'll smiled for the first time and I love watching
Guinness. And of course Irish whiskey is take you out for dinner instead. him sleep. But I don't want any more children
very famous too. M Oh, that sounds good. - I think one child is enough.
N And what's the food like? MARTIN Life's changed a lot since Tom was
3 WENDY Oh, this is terrible.
L Well, you get the same food as you do
PETER Yes, I know. If we don't get there by born, but I don't mind - I'm just pleased that
in the UK most of the time. But we also
five, we'll miss the plane. he's a healthy baby. It's been harder for Anna,
have some very tasty Irish dishes - do you I think, and Tom wakes up a lot in the night
know Irish stew? W Well, why didn't we leave sooner? so neither of us is getting much sleep. Also,
P Don't worry. We'll get there. We just have
N No, what's that?
to be patient. we don't really have a social life together
L It's made of lamb, potatoes, carrots and
W Oh. Why have you turned off the satnav? any more, because Anna's usually too tired
onions, all cooked together. You often
P It can't help us when we're stuck in to go out in the evening. I sometimes go out
get it in the pubs at lunchtimes. It's really with friends from work, but I feel a bit guilty,
delicious - and it's quite healthy too. traffic, can it?
W What will we do if we're too late? so I try not to get home too late. At least I
earn enough money for the whole family,