Page 3 - Microeconomics
P. 3

ISOCOST (BUDGET)                        costs  bring  costs  down  at  low  production  levels.  At   *If  P  <  ATC  but  >AVC,  the  firm  will  still  produce
        Capital (K)                         higher production levels, sharply rising average variable   because variable costs are still covered.
                                            costs swamp the effect of declining fixed costs.  • GRAPHING TIPS (COST CURVES):
                  Equation = (K × P ) + (L × P )                                    1. MC, ATC  and  AVC  all  have  a  decreasing  portion
                             K     L        • MARGINAL  COST  (MC)  is  the  extra  cost  of
                            P                                            ∆TC          followed by an increasing portion.
                     Slope = –  L           producing an additional unit; FORMULA:   ∆Q  .  2. The difference between ATC and AVC is AFC, which
                                            1. Marginal  cost  rises  as  production  expands,  either   is  a  decreasing  curve;  therefore,  the  space  between
                                              immediately  or  diminishing  returns  can  set  in  with   AVC and ATC should also decrease all throughout.
                                              some delay.
                             Labor (L)      2. Except AFC, when marginal costs are below average   COSTS IN THE LONG RUN
    • ISOCOST:  Curve  representing  a  business  budget  or   costs, average costs are falling; when marginal costs   • NO FIXED COSTS IN THE LONG RUN.
    income constraint.                        are  above  average  costs,  average  costs  are  rising;   • AS A FIRM EXPANDS ITS FIXED FACTORS (EX:
    EQUILIBRIUM OUTPUT                        when  marginal  costs  equal  average  costs,  average   Physical  plant),  it  moves  from  one  short  run  average
    • Similar to utility theory, output is maximized for a given   costs are constant.  cost curve to another.
    income or cost is minimized for a given output at the point   3. The  marginal  cost  curve  crosses  the  average  total   • THE  LONG  RUN  AVERAGE  COST  CURVE
    of tangency between ISOCOSTS & ISOQUANTS.  cost curve and the average variable cost curve at their   (LRAC):  The  lower  boundary  of  all  short  run  cost
                                              minimum points.                       curves. It shows the cheapest way to produce any given
                                                                                    level of output.
                                                  $                                   $            ATC 1
     K*             OR
                                                                                                           ATC 2
                                                                         MC          Costs                      ATC 3
            L*               L*                                                                                    LRAC
    • Producer  chooses  L*  and  K*  that  minimize  cost  or           ATC
    maximize output.                                                     AVC                                      Production
    FIRM PRODUCTION                                                                 • ECONOMIES OF SCALE OCCUR IF: In the long run,
    • A  FIRM  PRODUCES  GOODS  BY  COMBINING                            AFC        average costs are declining. There is greater specialization
    FACTORS  OF  PRODUCTION:  Land  (natural                          Production    of  labor  possible  as  the  scale  of  a  firm  expands.  As
    resources), labor, capital and entrepreneurship.                                workers specialize and produce more, they go further up
    • IN THE SHORT RUN, at least one factor of production   • SUNK COST: Cost that has already been incurred and   the “learning curve” and their productivity increases.
    is fixed (usually the firm’s capital; for example, its plant).  cannot be recovered. Sunk cost should be excluded in   $
    • IN THE LONG RUN, all factors of production can be   evaluating future actions.           Economies of Scale
    varied.                                 COST TABLES – SHORT RUN
       • MARGINAL  (PHYSICAL)  PRODUCT  is  the     Q TFC  TVC  TC  MC                   Costs
        extra production created as a result of employing                                                      LRAC
        an additional unit of a factor of production. It is    1  $100  $24  $124                             Production
        the slope of the total product curve.   2  $100  $96  $196  $72
       • PRINCIPLE OF DIMINISHING RETURNS:    3  $100  $126  $226  $30              • CONSTANT RETURNS TO SCALE OCCUR IF: In
        When  at  least  one  factor  is  fixed,  a  firm  will    4  $100  $384  $484  $258  the long run, average costs are constant. The cost per
        experience diminishing marginal physical product    5  $100  $680  $780  $296  unit of output does not change in this output range.
        as  it  employs  more  of  a  variable  factor  (EX:                              $
        Labor). Decrease in the change of quantity over     Q  TC  ATC =  TC    AVC =  TVC   AFC =   TFC  Constant Returns to Scale
        the increase in units of labor.
                                             1  $124   $124    $24        $100           Costs                 LRAC
                                             2  $196   $98     $48        $50                                 Production
       Production           Total            3  $226   $75.3   $42       $33.3      • DISECONOMIES  OF  SCALE  OCCUR  IF:  In  the
                                             4  $484
                                                                                    long run, average costs are increasing.
                                             5  $780
                                            • BASIC RELATIONSHIPS: $136   $20             $
                                  Labor     1. TC = TVC + TFC                                 Diseconomies of Scale
                                            2. ATC = AVC + AFC                           Costs                 LRAC
       Production                Product                                                                      Production
                                                   Costs                            • REASONS:
                                                                                    1. Managers  experience  greater  difficulties  in  super-
                 Marginal     Labor                                     ATC           vising workers or managing inventory or technology
                                                                                      as the scale of their responsibilities increases.
                 Product                                                            2. Monitoring costs increase.
                                                                                    3. There  is  competition  instead  of  cooperation  among
    COSTS IN THE SHORT RUN                  • SUPPLY CURVE (SHORT RUN): In the short run,   employees.
    • IN  THE  SHORT  RUN,  some  costs  are  fixed  (the   the supply curve is the portion of the MC curve above   4. Because  of  the  size  of  the  organization,  employees
                                                                                      feel like their work is insignificant, resulting in lower
    owner’s overhead) and some are variable.  its intersection with the AVC curve:    output per worker.
    • TOTAL COSTS (TC) = total variable costs (TVC)   Costs                         • THE  SHAPE  OF  THE  LONG  RUN  AVERAGE
    plus total fixed costs (TFC).                           Short Run               COST  (LRAC)  CURVE:  Usually  shows  an  initial
       • AVERAGE COSTS are costs per unit of output;       Supply Curve             period of economies of scale; afterwards, there will be
        FORMULA:   TC  .                                                MC          constant costs followed by diseconomies of scale.
                  Q                                                                   ATC                         LRAC
       • AVERAGE TOTAL COSTS (ATC) = average
        variable costs (AVC) plus average fixed costs                    ATC
        (AFC).                                                           AVC           Costs   MES
    CURVE is U-shaped because declining average fixed                       Q                                   Production
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