Page 40 - Lady Bass Digital Magazine Stelly Special Ed 2022
P. 40

contours More humps and points that meander with high
     and low spots. The arms that break off the main lake exist
     but there are typically fewer of them. These arms also tend
     to have fewer if any secondary arms branching off them.
     There might be a few pockets, shallow flats in the back.

     Fishing in lowland reservoirs, which tend to have more
     cover such as grass, brush, reeds, laydowns, humps, and
     such, will have most of the fish staying up shallow during
     the summer months. Fish will also use docks and mari-
     nas as places to live. The biggest fish tend to take the best
     habitats! The best habitats are created by those things that
     are different. If you have a stretch of grass and there is a
     laydown in it, the biggest bass will reside there.
                                                               In rivers and creeks, there is an abundance of cover such
     Two good examples of lowland reserviors are Sam Ray-      as laydowns, rock piles, bends, vegetation etc. Fish in these
     burn and Toledo Bend                                      types of water will position themselves along anything that
                                                               breaks the current. Bass will sit in that slack part of the
                                                               current waiting to ambush anything that is pushed past by
                                                               the current.

     Natural lakes come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and have
     no dam. Water fluctuation usually does not happen. They
     also tend to have grass as a dominant feature. If we think
     about how these lakes were formed as glaciers moved, it   Frog fishing is a great summer tactic. You can throw a
     will be no surprise to find many with shallow tapering    walking frog, a kicker style or a flapping style frog.  On
     areas that drop off into very deep water. In the south, these   those reservoirs where there are lily pads, grass, other
     natural lakes tend to not to be as deep nor have the big   vegetation or those shady gnarly matted up areas. These
     drops.                                                    are the kinds of areas to use the walking frog. These areas
                                                               offer the fish a place to forage, hide and stay cool. Be sure
     Depending on the makeup of the natural lake; with more    to use braided line and a heavier rod. In less heavy areas
     cover or less cover, use the information described in the   you can use more of the flapping style frogs. The paddle
     highland and lowland reservoirs to develop your approach   shape of the feet creates a plopping sound on the waters’
     to fishing. It is important to keep in your mind that your   surface acting like a weedless buzz bait or weedless whop-
     baits are downsized to be the most effective. Fish in these   per plopper.
     shallower natural settings will be sitting right up against
     any piece of cover available to them. If there is no cover,
     the fish will be sitting along that color line edge.

     An example of a natural lake is Caddo Lake which borders
     Texas and Louisiana. Other examples include Lake Powell
     in Utah and Ariszona, Yellowstone Lake in Wyoming,  and
     Lake Tahoe in California and Nevada.

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