Page 39 - Lady Bass Digital Magazine May 2023 Revised
P. 39

wearing must be able to protect you. Layering your        color choices for the spring include chartreuse and
     clothing is important. You can always take a layer or     shad colors. The jerkbait is still fished slow, but not
     so off, but if you are cold to the bone seldom do we      painfully slow. Mixing the retrieves up regardless of
     pack extra clothes in the boat to wear. If you are as     the type of bait will get an angler more bites. Often it
     comfortable as you can possibly be, then it allows you    is a timing thing in the spring.
     to actually focus on fishing. Using your electronics to
     find bait balls will help you key in on where the fish    It is important to remember that most of our lakes
     are when the water temps are cold. Fishing with tight     are so big that there can be fish in multiple phases
     wobbling crankbaits is a great wintertime option!         of pre-spawn, spawn, and post spawn all going on at
     Another super option is to use jerk-baits where you       the same time. So, let’s say the spawn is done up lake.
     crank them to depth and just wait as long as possible     It could be full on in the middle of the lake and still
     before you move your bait. The fish will tell you what    prespawn up closer to the dam. Keeping these things
     cadence to use once you get a bit or two. Knowing         in mind, you can better position yourself to have a
     where the fish are set up, knowing the right baits for    successful day on the water by targeting the fish the
     the conditions, and then presenting that bait in the      way you want to target them.
     right manner is rewarding.
                                                               Once fish do move up to spawn, they become very
                                                               territorial in a certain area and a certain spot with
                                                               a certain technique where you can target fish. Once
                                                               a bed is made by a bass, the eggs are fertilized and
                                                               the fry hatch, another mating pair of bass will come
                                                               along and use that same bed. This tends to repeat
                                                               itself throughout that spawning window. It is common
                                                               for anglers to use bright colors for bed fishing with
                                                               pegged weights.

                                                               There are factors that can help you better determine
                                                               where the fish will be setting up. Pay attention to the
                                                               sun. Which part of the water or waters are going to
                                                               warm first? These all play a role in locating the fish.
                                                               Once you get this figured out and you can dial in, fish-
                                                               ing becomes a lot more fun.
     We know that prespawn is approaching when the
     weather begins to transition from winter to spring,       Now that the waters are warming, fish will begin to
     the bass are on the move and beginning the trip up        transition into that posts spawn window.  Fish will
     toward the spawning flats, using the drains and ditch-    begin to move out of the really shallow spawning
     es, it is not uncommon to find them grouped up. For       areas. If you have
     instance, if you are on a lake with a lot of grass you    boat docks on your
     can target those fish with a lipless crankbait. Rayburn   lake, fish will begin
     red is one of the favorite colors. For shallower grass,   to setup under
     use a half ounce and for a little deeper grass, you a     those for protec-
     three-quarter ounce ripping it through the top of the     tion and as ambush
     grass to get a reaction bite.  Two other options include  points. This is also
     shallow diving crankbait just over the top of the grass   a time to look for
     or a jerkbait that you are working, again, just over the   shad and blue gill
     top of the grass. Regardless of which of the three you    spawning. During
     select, you are able to cover a lot of water. I’ve already   this time frame,
     mentioned red colors for the spring, but other good       covering water
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