Page 18 - Lady Bass Digital Magazine Classic 2023
P. 18

Where Bass Go In The Fall?

     Similar to fishing in the spring, fall can be divided or broken down into
     three periods or phases. These phases are a mirror image of the spring but
     for totally different reasons. Within each phase the tactics and approaches
     also vary and change. Fall fishing begins when the air temperatures begins to
     drop. As air temperatures drop, the water temperatures also begin to drop.
     During this same time frame the amount of daylight is reducing. Each of
     these three things trigger the fish to begin to make their moves.

     Just as in the spring, there are three annually repeatable phases. The first
     phase is an early fall transition where fish are begin to leave their summer
     haunts. Remember in the heat of the summer, fish are buried in cover and in
     deeper water. But, as the days get shorter, the air and water temps start
     dropping, the bait-fish begin to migrate to shallower waters. As such, the
                                                              bass follow the food source to
                                                              those shallower waters. These
                                                              shallower areas include creeks,
                                                              pockets, shoals, humps and flats. These are
                                                              important for anglers to remember when
                                                              looking for bass. Each of these areas are
                                                              stopping places along the migration routes
                                                              for the bait-fish. These are similar to and
                                                              often the same highways bass follow during
                                                              the spring pre-spawn, spawn and post spawn
                                                              movements, just for different reasons.

                                                              As the air and water temperatures continue
     to drop, but on a faster decline, the bass move into the next phase where they start
     feeding up heavily. Some additional signals to indicate that the fish are in this
     feeding period for us can include fall colors, anglers wearing long sleeves and
     jackets. The bait has now arrived in these shallow areas mentioned before. No longer
     are they in transition. The same holds true for the bass. They are shallow because
     their food source is shallow! The bass are piled up and gorging on the bait-fish. This
     can be one of the most fun and exciting times to fish. There are so many options for
     bait selection from top-water to swim-baits.
     The final phase is when temperatures begin to plummet as the days get shorter and

                                                                shorter and the bass now begin to move to
                                                                their winter habitats. This can be one
                                                                of the most challenging periods to catch
                                                                fish. They have been gorging so in order to
                                                                catch them, you will have to work harder.
                                                                The bait and the bass will now follow
                                                                those same highways back out on their way
                                                                to where they will reside for the winter.
    18  Lady Bass Anglers Association
                                                            Where Do Bass Go In The Fall?
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