Page 58 - Lady Bass Anglers Digital Magazine July 2023
P. 58

Marcella McCuiston

                     Dawson Springs,


                      When did you get

                       started fishing?

                    I have always fished since
                     I was a young child but I
                      didn’t start bass fishing
                      consistently until 2014.
                           What is your most
                          memorable fishing
                               experience?                      Who would you take with you for a fun
                    In 2017 we bought our youngest                                day of fishing?

                      son his 1st bass boat. He was               For a fun day of fishing, I would take My
        only 14 so I went with him most days. In                   hubby, Joey,  or my son Carlton usually.
         June, we were fishing a local lake on a                  We all have “the tug is the drug” bug bad!
        hot afternoon. I cast my swimbait near a                 But on a professional side, Wesley Strader,
      swallow dock and thought I was hung but it                       Scott Martin or the legend, KVD!
      was my PB largemouth bass at 7lbs. 6ozs. !
                         What a day!                            What are three lures or techniques that
                                                                 you always rig up for a day of fishing?

        What do you consider your greatest                       My three top lures for any trip are a Texas
              accomplishment in fishing?                               Rigs, spinner baits and top water!

     I think my greatest accomplishment in fish-
      ing is achieving Rookie of the Year 2023 on                What is your dream lake to go fish for
     the LBAA tour! I am still blown away when                             the first time and why?
                       I think about it!
                                                                 My dream lake is the  St. Lawerence River

      What is your favorite body of water to                        (Thousand Islands), New York. I think
                             fish?                                 catching large smallmouth one after the
           My favorite body of water to fish is                            other would be astounding!
                       Kentucky Lake
                                                                            My social media links.
        What is your goal or what are your
                      goals for 2023?                                                     NA

     My goals for 2023 was to fish all of the LBAA tournaments well and qualify for the classics.
     I also wanted to make new friendships with other women that loved to do what I do. It has
        been an honor to make so many new friends and fish with such talented women! I can’t
                           wait for the classic and fish with more amazing women!

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