Page 9 - Harry Moon Leader Demo
P. 9

            Evaluation After the session
Y our book club session has just ended. Now what?
Rabbit Publishers recommends that at the conclusion of each lesson, you as leader(s) and volunteer(s) invest a few key minutes in re ecting on following six questions  This quick self-evaluation will help you zero in to what was great
about the lesson/session and what outcomes could use an extra push 
How well did your students grasp and understand the day’s
literary topic and its e ect upon story? Who seemed to understand this the best and who the least? How do you know? During the time did you seek and express appreciation for each person’s contribution(s)?
Did your students grasp the spiritual implications of the day’s topic?
What practical spiritual applications would you like to to add for next session? How can you help them encourage each other spiritually?
Which students contributed the most? Did you verbally a rm them? How can you best a rm the quiet student(s) before next session?
(I e : Give encouragement by phone, text, email, or written note )
Are your students engaging with their Imaginator Activator journal, during the session or on their own? How can you highlight what they’re doing with it?
Jot down two or three memorable comments or insights you heard during the sessioin concerning the topic?

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