Page 21 - Des Pawson's "Knot Craft: 35 Ropework Projects"
P. 21

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:16  Page 20

                            Bellrope Worked

                                  with 6 Ends

                       HIS IS THE FIRST commercial bellrope I created, and I am still
                   Tmaking it today. I needed money to get married, so to aug-
                   ment my income by making a few bellropes, I made up a couple
                   of samples in some 2mm nylon and took them to the prestigious
                   yacht chandlers in the West End of London, Captain O M
                   Watts. Their buyer looked at my samples, said that they were far
                   too thin, but went on to describe the sort of thing he might be
                   interested in. I went away and made up this design using 3mm
                   cord. That first one took about 1 /2 hours to make.
                     This time the buyer liked it, and said he would give me an
                   order. As he wrote down 3 in his order book I thought, ‘Is that
                   all, after all this work!’ Then he wrote ‘dozen’! So, my first order
                   was for 36 bellropes each taking about 1 /2 hours; my first
                   introduction to mass production. Practice certainly speeds up
                   the making of any item!
                     The first main knot, the Matthew Walker knot, is one of my
                   favourites, although it takes quite a bit of time to tie and form
                   into shape. You could, of course, replace it with a quicker knot
                   such as the diamond in pairs that I used at the start of the
                   deluxe key ring (page 19).

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