Page 26 - Des Pawson's "Knot Craft: 35 Ropework Projects"
P. 26

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:16  Page 25

                                 BELLR OPE W ORKED WITH 8 ENDS

                   B                              D

                                                    The fancy 8 strand crown shown on
                                                       top of the 8 strand wall knot

                     C                            This globe knot takes a
                      D                  F
                        E                         minimum of 550 mm of line so
                         H                        make sure that the shortest of
                                                  your 8 strands is at least this long
                           G         B            before you start. If you wish, add
                                                  extra coloured Turk’s heads at
                    ….Do the same behind, take B across,
                            then G across         any place on the bellrope.

                                                                  Fancy crown
                  down, going over and under, put  E
                  the wooden ball in the middle
                  and follow the whole knot round
                  3 more times.


                                                                        8 strand
                                                                        wall knot
                                                    Extra tucks after the fancy 8 strand
                                                    crown on top of 8 strand wall makes
                                                           the globe knot

                         Crown sennit in pairs

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