Page 39 - Des Pawson's "Knot Craft: 35 Ropework Projects"
P. 39
KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:17 Page 38
Building the core of the fender, shown straight,
but could be bent to shape for the later stages if required.
chain from between the swivels The finished core needs to be
and bend it to the approximate about 100-150mm less in
curve of the finished fender. Put circumference than the finished
one long heavy rope to the front fender size. It is important to get
of the chain, probably going the size and shape right before
almost the entire length of the putting on it’s jacket.
backbone. Put shorter pieces When you are satisfied with
above, below and behind the the form and shape of the
backbone to build up the shape fender, I find that it helps to
of fender you are aiming at. cover the whole thing with
There will always be a little sacking of some sort, to give a
flexibility, but the nearer the smooth final finish to hitch over.
correct shape the better. Tie these I use hessian, jute, burlap or sisal
tightly to the backbone. It is then sacking if the cover is to be
worth tapering the ends so that natural and the woven white or
there are not too many steps cream polypropylene sacking if
where each rope ends. Add extra the cover is to be a synthetic
rope as required to get the shape rope. Ideally the colour of
and size (thinner ropes give a sacking is somewhere near the
smoother shape), stagger the ends colour of the rope to be used.
and keep the shape symmetrical. This cover is best sewn in place