Page 40 - Des Pawson's "Knot Craft: 35 Ropework Projects"
P. 40
KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:17 Page 39
using a packing needle, working of rope on one leg, then change
out from the middle and getting and work on the other. When
the cover tight over the core. both sides meet at the centre
Some people prefer to wrap the there will be a gap. Hitch round
whole fender core with adhesive the gap in a circle dropping
tape. hitches as needed until it is
You are now ready to cover completely filled in.
the core. You can start in the When you have finished
middle and work to the ends, hitching the cover (well done!),
which is fine if the fender is you could add a Turk’s head in
almost straight, but if it is curved heavier rope round the middle as
I find it best to start at each end extra chafe protection. I favour a
and work to the middle. I 4 lead 5 bight Turk’s head as I
actually suspend the fender from feel it will sit evenly either side of
the leg end, then it is easy to the bow, but a 3 lead version will
work round and round adding do almost as well. I have worked
hitches as the fender grows in to the original 1930s specifi -
diameter by putting two hitches cation for a tug fender that had 5
side by side into the space of one Turk’s heads round it at various
hitch rather than the usual one. points; it certainly looked very
To aid symmetry, work a length handsome when it was finished.