Page 13 - ilovepdf_merged (20) edition 66_Neat FLIP BOOK
P. 13
Page 14 Jan-Feb, 2021
very business problems, provide the
owner wants to If you want loyalty, you have scope of the challenge and
Ehave loyal to give it. Make a list of your your solutions, preferably
customers that most important customers or before the customer even
love their business. But clients. For your general knows that the problems
if you want loyalty, you customers or clients, exist. This builds
have to give it. Commit demonstrate your credibility, confidence and
yourself to excellence in commitment in general terms trust.
these five key areas and and especially when they
your customers will need you. For the most Understand Your
reward you with their important customers, Customer's Goals
demonstrate your The products or services
commitment and let them that you provide are only
know how much you
appreciate them. Sometimes
loyalty takes sacrifice.
Building a lasting relationship
repeat business and
requires communication.
Communication means
listening to your customer or
The following tips can
client, as well as conveying
apply to virtually any
your own message. One sided
profession or industry. meaningful in the context
communication is a speech,
If you think that these of your customer's
mutual communication is a
are self-evident, then I objectives. What you do is
conversation. Communicate
challenge you to take a intended achieve financial
when things are going well
personal assessment. or strategic objectives, or
and when there are
Print this page and keep fulfill a need.
the list on your desk for
one week. Place a Understand and
When things are going as
checkmark next to each communicate your value
expected, bring it to their
item when you conduct from the perspective of
attention. When there are
an activity that fulfills the customer. Be aware of
one of these objectives. changes that may affect
Can you check all of the customer requirements
these items in one week? and your perceived value
Are you actively so you can adjust
practicing the accordingly.
commitment that you
desire from your Be Consistent
customers? One of the best ways to
Continue on pg 15