Page 7 - ilovepdf_merged (20) edition 66_Neat FLIP BOOK
P. 7

Jan-Feb, 2021                                                                                 Page 7


        Social welfare packages
        Continued from pg 6                tax in one way or another,
        are a must in a sane                                                     be reformed to make it
                                           and the reason is to sustain          more flexible to directly
        society and without taxes,
                                           itself.                               reduce defaulters and tax
        it would not be possible to
        render such services.                                                    back. It is also important
                                           Because taxes are the life            to know that paying our
        Government over the years
                                           source of a nation, we should         taxes makes us better
        have used proceeds from
                                           be patriotic to this life             citizens, helping build a
        taxes to build health
                                           source in order to keep the           stronger nation for its
        services and other
                                           nation functioning. That              citizens and the future
        institutions beneficial to
                                           said, tax is essential to help
        humanity, thereby laying a
                                           the government give us
        better foundation for the
                                           protection, build better
        future generation.
                                           roads and bridges,
        Therefore, proceeds from
                                           institutions and provide
        taxes go a long way to
                                           social infrastructures.
        improve the standard of

        living in a society.
                                           Avoid Tax Back
                                           When being confronted with
        Sustain Government
                                           back taxes we owe the
                                           government, we often think
                                           of ways to cut back on it.            generation that will follow.
                                           Well, most tax laws                   Though tax evasion is
                                           understand the hardships of           considered unlawful, there

                                           every taxpayer. Though, tax           are means which can be
                                           services are available for            followed in order to
                                           those who are delinquent in           resolve such acts without

                                           paying their taxes, which is          having to get to court.
                                           a helpful opportunity to              However, a stitch in time
                                           people who don't have                 saves nine.

        A tax irrespective of its          available money or funds.
        name is another life source                                              Income Tax Explained:
        of government sustenance.          But, why hassle you to

        No government can sustain          resolve defaulting tax                What is Income Tax?
        itself without tax. Tax            duties? Paying taxes will             Income Tax is a tax charged
        money goes a long way in           save you from the wasted              on a person's income from
        funding government                 time and energy of being              employment,  business  and

        programs, which are                called in to pay or even jail         investment. Persons such as
        needed to keep a                   time for not paying taxes.            employees,  self-employed,
        government alive. There is                                               persons  in  partnership,
        no government in the world         In conclusion, in view of the         shareholders and directors

        today that does not collect        above, tax services should
                                                                                                       Continue on pg 8
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