Page 8 - 2018 Kingdom Missions Booklet
P. 8

In 1998, Bob and Katy Caudill started a journey of mission work in the East African nation of Tanzania, where the Lord opened their eyes to a people and place that desperately needed to hear and see the Good News of Jesus Christ. As the Lord continued to stir their hearts and show them the immense need, in 2004 He led them to begin an of cial mission work called Yesu Ni Bwana, Inc.. In Swahili, this says, “Jesus is Lord.” Since that time God has prospered the ministry in four directions. The  rst is through the Knapp Loving Hands Orphan Care which currently supports forty- two orphans in safe Christian homes. Next, they support full-time Bible teachers at two large public high schools, Matama Beach High School and Lake Nyassa Secondary School where Bible is taught daily as part of the curriculum. Also, in cooperation with the National Convention of Baptists Tanzania, they support a number of national evangelists. Lastly, they sponsor short-term mission trips from the U.S. so others can catch the vision and become involved in God’s Kingdom work in Tanzania. Their prayer need is for God to continue to spread the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ throughout Tanzania and for the Lord to stir in the hearts of His people the need to participate in his work around the world.

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