Page 3 - HNW Spring Magazine 2024
P. 3

You’re in Good Hands  At Your Service:

        Jennifer Donnellan
 When you hear me say, “You’re in good hands,”   and emotional. Somehow I found her emotional
 usually I’m talking about the world-class   support to be the bigger half of the equation.”
 specialists we connect you with for your   As business leaders, you know how   eet Jennifer Donnellan, one of our
 medical needs. And that’s true—but that’s    important it is to find, train, and retain excellent   M  medical coordinators standing
 not all. You’re also in good hands with our   employees. I am glad to tell you that we’ve   by to assist you when you face a
 medical coordinators.   built an all-star team here. If there were a   health crisis or want a second
 When you reach out to us with a medical   Customer Service Super Bowl, our medical   opinion from a top specialist.
 request, you’re expecting an expedited referral   coordinators would be the Kansas City Chiefs.
 to the right specialist for your situation. Our   Close, personal relationships are the basis   How long have you been working with
 medical coordinators do that for you—and    for Healthnetwork’s success. We do not aspire to   Healthnetwork Foundation?
 so much more. They also act as your advocate,   grow big. We intentionally maintain a smaller,   I have been at Healthnetwork for seven
 guide, record-gatherer and organizer,   exclusive group so that we can keep up with   fabulous years. I’ve worked both on the
 cheerleader, shoulder to lean on, and personal   the relationships that make our model work:   administration side behind the scenes and
 research assistant.   1.  Relationships with physicians  as a medical coordinator helping patients
 2.  Relationships with hospital leadership  and families.
 3.  Relationships with CEOs like you
 Close, personal relationships are the    What do you love about your job?
 basis for Healthnetwork’s success.  You call us expecting to be connected to    Helping our patients connect to great
 a specialist. You will be. And you’ll be blown   healthcare options and making a difference
 away by how much more our medical   in their time of need is the best part of my

 Our members often tell me their   coordinators have to offer. You’re in good hands.   job. The dynamic and collaborative atmosphere
 coordinator saved them countless hours by   we have at Healthnetwork allows all of us to   I want the best.
 helping them research and evaluate   make meaningful contributions, which I find   I’m a private person and don’t usually like
 physicians, transfer medical records, and   rewarding. With each new medical case comes   putting my name out there. But my
 streamlining multiple appointments.   an opportunity to learn something I didn’t    experience with Jennifer Donnellan and
 Another common theme I hear from our   know before.      her team at Healthnetwork was so
 families is how much they benefited from the   What is challenging about your job?  wonderful, I just had to share. Jennifer
 emotional support of our medical coordinators.   BILL ROWLEY  Sometimes it can be hard emotionally to   and her team are absolutely fabulous.
 One of our CEO members emailed me this    Chairman and Founder  accept the limitations we have when a    She has a very nice professional
 note recently: “Her support was both technical   Healthnetwork Foundation  person is very sick, such as an advanced   voice. She was very compassionate and
        cancer diagnosis or terminally ill patient.       knowledgeable. She asked me a lot
        It takes a combination of compassion and         of questions, not in an intrusive way,
        professionalism in these situations.              but caring and thorough. My situation
                                                         is complicated, and Jennifer found
        What do you wish Healthnetwork                    me an excellent doctor—the best for

 BOARD OF ADVISORS  EXECUTIVE TEAM  families knew?        what I needed. She made everything
 William W. Rowley | Chairman and Founder | Chagrin Falls OH  William Rowley (Donating Time)  Everyone on my team genuinely enjoys    so easy and simple. I have so much faith
 William Babcox | Chagrin Falls OH  Megan Frankel, President  helping people and making a difference.    in Healthnetwork Foundation. I’m 79
 Anthony Busa | Bay Village OH  Gary Boris Jr., Director of Business Operations   In turn, the contributions our supporters make    and my husband is 80—we’re going to
 Barney Corning | Boston MA  Richard Cartabuke, MD, Medical Director
 Bernardo B. Fernandez Jr., MD | Coral Gables FL  to Healthnetwork Foundation, our hospitals,    have medical issues. When we do, I
 William Glubiak | Chagrin Falls OH  and Service Excellence Award physicians are   want the best. We’re very fortunate to
 Josh Guttman | Cincinnati OH  On the cover: Gina Santel, her husband    very meaningful. ✦  have Healthnetwork as a resource.
 Bill Krul | Kettering OH  and their two children. You can read
 Patricia Rowley McCollum | Novelty OH  Gina’s story on page 8.  PENNY C.
 Brock Steere | Akron OH
 F. William Steere | Akron OH

 2  Healthnetwork Foundation |  One Call Starts It All +1 (866) 968-2467 +1 (440) 893-0830  3
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