Page 4 - Hexion Sustainability Report 2022
P. 4

A Message from                     A large part of what attracted me to this                            product line, which enables low-or-no VOC paint

                                    company is its unwavering focus on improving                         formulations that reduce emissions, while also
 our President                      our world through operating our business and                         delivering improved enhanced water resistance

                                    our product innovation engine with a vision for
                                                                                                         and durability benefi ts.
 and CEO                            sustainability. “Sustainability” can mean many                       While this report represents Hexion as it is

                                    things in our industry, but at Hexion, it means that
                                                                                                         today, our strategic plans call for Hexion’s
                                    we are committed to operating our sites safely,                      sustainability eff orts and commitments to

                                    minimizing our impact on natural resources,                          expand over time. We have committed that

                                    harnessing innovative solutions to develop more                      by 2030, all new products will incorporate

 I was honored to join Hexion this   environmentally-sustainable products, and                           sustainable attributes. One exciting example of
                                    working with others throughout our sphere of                         this is ArmorBuilt  Wildfi re Shield, a durable,
 year—a company with an enduring    infl uence to protect our associates, customers,                      fi re safeguard that helps utility companies better
 and distinguished history of       and the communities where we work and live.                          protect the utility poles throughout the energy

 innovation, high-quality products,   Hexion’s 2022 Sustainability Report highlights                     grid and manage the negative impacts of climate
                                    the strong work that our global teams are                            change and wildfi res. However, we see this
 and outstanding customer service.  doing to better align our product portfolio to                       platform technology enabling fi re safety in a long

                                    global mega-trends, reduce waste and improve                         list of other applications that will protect the

                                    resource utilization, and partner with customers                     world’s population while at home or working or

                                    and suppliers to drive sustainability throughout                     commuting every day.

                                    our supply chain. We’ll share ways that our                          At Hexion, we believe it is our collective

                                    adhesive technologies enable the more-effi cient                       responsibility to proactively address the problems

                                    use of engineered wood products, one of the                          that our industry and communities face. Because

                                    most sustainable building materials in the world.                    at the end of the day, all chemistry should be

                                    We’ll also look at our eff orts to encourage and                      Responsible Chemistry. I look forward to sharing

                                    support more-responsible use of wood through                         more about our sustainability journey over the

                                    sustainable forestry and recycling practices.                        coming years. While we have already made

                                    Agriculture is an exciting growth area for Hexion                    signifi cant progress, I am confi dent we are just

                                    and I’m excited to highlight our slow-release                        getting started and am so encouraged by the
                                    nitrogen technology, an innovative formaldehyde                      opportunities ahead of us.

                                    transformation, which improves crop yield and

                                    quality, while simultaneously reducing greenhouse                    Sincerely,

                                    gas emissions and leaching contamination

                                    compared to liquid fertilizers. And fi nally, we’ll

                                    discuss the expansion of our Versatic  Acid                          Michael Lefenfeld

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