Page 13 - Hexion Sustainability Report 2021
P. 13
Operational Excellence (continued)
ENERGY STAR Each year the ENERGY STAR program honors a
Partner of the Year group of businesses and organizations that have
made outstanding contributions to protect the
In 2021, Hexion received its environment through superior energy achievements.
first ENERGY STAR Partner ENERGY STAR Award Winners lead their industries in
of the Year award, one of the the production, sale and adoption of energy-efficient
highest honors bestowed by products, services and strategies. These efforts are
the United States Environmental essential in fighting the climate crisis and protecting
Protection Agency’s ENERGY public health.
STAR Program.
Commitment to Biodiversity
We were recognized for our many successes in
waste reduction and energy efficiency throughout the At Hexion, we value our natural resources and the
company since 2013. In that time, we reduced global environment around us. We strive to minimize our
energy intensity by 28 percent, executed more than impact on the environment by using water and
250 sustainability projects and produced water and non-renewable resources as efficiently as possible.
energy savings of approximately $14 million, including We also mobilize our workforce to proactively care
$2 million in 2020 alone. for their local environments, as global change begins
at home.