Page 46 - Southern Oregon Magazine Spring 2018
P. 46

neck of the woods | in the biz

             Their newest  product  in
             development for the gen-
             eral market exemplifies that
             vision. “We have learned a
             tremendous amount  from
        working in the clean room area,”
        says Newman. “Dr. Kim has chal-
        lenged us with creating a product
        that will take any room and cre-  Dr. Tae Yun Kim is Sen-
        ate a safe, healthy space.” It had   ior Advisor to the National
        been through several prototypes,   Unif ication Advisory Council,
                                      striving for the reunif ication
        admits Newman, but the product   of the Korean Peninsula.
        became a company priority when
        the team realized how hazard-
        ous air quality can be after being
        in the Rogue Valley during the
        worst of the forest fire season in

        A HISTORY OF CHANGE           Scott Salton, President and co-Founder,   Paul Newman, Executive Vice President,
        You can’t look at Lighthouse for   Lighthouse Worldwide Solutions       Lighthouse Worldwide Solutions
        very long without encountering
        its colorful and dynamic CEO
        (see sidebar). Dr. Kim has been
        the driving force behind the
        company since it was founded in
        1982. Then a martial arts instruc-
        tor in Vermont, Kim remembers
        going to one of her students, an
        engineer at IBM, and telling him,
        “‘I need to start a computer com-
        pany.’ He thought I was crazy.”

        Scott Salton, that student and
        eventual  co-founder and  presi-
        dent of Lighthouse, agreed.  “I
        did. I thought she had totally lost
        her marbles. But,” he recalls, “she
        had so much energy, so much
        enthusiasm” that they eventually
        began by producing two video   Pictured here at the Korea Military Academy, the
        games based on Bible stories on   “West Point” of S. Korea, Dr. Kim motivates all
        a Commodore  64.  “There  was   with her trademarked motto, “He Can Do, She Can
                                      Do, Why Not Me!”
        a revolution going on,” reminds
        Salton. It  was the  early days of
        the PC and the technology indus-
        try was  going  through massive
        changes.  “We put it together
        out of pure energy.” And, he also
        admits,  “We didn’t know any-
        thing about business.”

        After a few false starts, Kim
        realized that California was the
        hub  of  technology research  and
        convinced her team to relocate.

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