Page 47 - Southern Oregon Magazine Spring 2018
P. 47

Dr. Kim is the f irst and last woman to
                    be knighted into both Orders of Con-
                     stantine the Great and of St. Helen,   The RCC Foundation
                              Royal chivalric orders.
                                                   Providing opportunities for student success and support for college
                                                   programs, campus development, community enrichment, and faculty,
                                                   staff and instructional enhancement

                                                                                I never thought I would get the
                                                                                opportunity to attend college because
                                                                                I just could not afford to. With your help
                                                                                and the help of others, my dreams are
                                                                                coming true. I cannot thank you enough;
                                                                                it truly means the world to me.
                                                                                                               — Chelsey
                                                    You can help
                                                    When you donate to the RCC Foundation, you can be confident that
                                                    you are investing in the community’s future. Many of our students stay in
                                                    the region to live, work and contribute to the local economy.
                                                    What’s next
                                                    Talk to the RCC Foundation staff or visit our website for more information
                                                    about how you can support Rogue Community College.


                                                                                                       Annuals, Perennials
                                                                                                    and Vegetable starts all
                                                                                              Locally Grown in the Rogue
                                                                                                Valley and inoculated with
                                                                                             Mycorrhizal, to improve plant
               In 1982, the company developed Bible video
                                                                                                   health and productivity.
             games on the Commodore 64 to bring a positive
                             energy to young people.

            Accepting her international 2017 Stevie Award
              for Women in Business for ‘Lifetime Achieve-
            ment’, Dr. Kim energized the room with her Can
                                      Do spirit.

                                                                                                             150 Union Ave
                                                    Providing horticultural work
                                                    Providing horticultural work                       *UDQWV 3DVV  2UHJRQ
                                                    and training for adults with
                                                    developmental disabilities
                                                                                               ZZZ JUHHQOHD¿QGXVWULHV RUJ

                                                                                                        Open March thru June
                                                                                                   DP WR      SP ‡   GD\V D ZHHN

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