P. 102

WHERE TO STAY                                       SOUTHERN


               WESTIN LAKE LAS VEGAS RESORT & SPA                       101 Montelago Blvd., Henderson
                                                                        702-567-6000  |

            t the Westin Lake Las Vegas Resort &  In  addition  to  Marssa,  the  fine  dining  be for a drink while enjoying the magnificent
        ASpa you will see a whole different side  Japanese restaurant, guests can enjoy Rick’s  view of the desert mountains from inside
        of  Las  Vegas,  away  from  The  Strip.  This  Café  where  Mediterranean  flavors  enliven  or on the expansive outdoor patio. Just 30
        lakeside  paradise  offers  a  Jack  Nicklaus  American  cuisine.  Rick’s  also  offers  a  minutes from The Strip, you can easily enjoy
        signature course, a Moroccan-inspired spa,  breakfast buffet daily, and Marrakesh Express  the nightlife, shows and other entertainment
        a  AAA Four-Diamond Japanese restaurant,  is the place to buzz through for a selection  if desired. Chances are, however, you won’t
        two swimming pools, lake access with paddle  of  gourmet  beverages,  breakfast  pastries,  leave this resort and all the activities that are
        board, kayak and pedal boat rentals as well as  and healthy snacks. And of course the pool  offered in Lake Las Vegas.
        lots of relaxation. For the more adventurous,  has  its  own  dining  option—Sandsa  Bar  &
        the resort also offers Pilates, yoga, mountain  Grill—boasting a mouthwatering menu of
        biking, zip lining, and other fun extreme  salads and sandwiches. In the afternoon and
        sports through Outdoor to the Core.   evening, the Arabesque Lounge is the place to

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