P. 98

WHERE TO STAY                                      ST. GEORGE

                          THE LEDGES OF ST. GEORGE                  1585 Ledges Pkwy, St. George
                                                                    435-634-4600  |

           he Ledges Golf Club offers a world-class  luxury villas managed by Ledges  Vacation  service restaurant. Enjoy lunch or dinner in a
        T18-hole championship course surrounded  Rentals.  The vacation rental units vary in  spacious dining room or take in the beautiful
        by the majestic red and white sandstone cliffs  size and accommodations to fit the needs of  landscape on covered patio.
        of Snow Canyon State Park. Located only  any group including couples, adult retreats,
        five  miles  north  of  St.  George,  Utah,  The  family vacations, and golf groups.  After a  And for those looking to invest in a main
        Ledges  offers  a  memorable  experience  at  round of golf enjoy a refreshing drink at the  residence or vacation home, The Ledges is
        an average of five to ten degrees cooler than  19th Hole Lounge—a full service bar—while  the ultimate destination to call home. With a
        other courses in Southern Utah. The Ledges  watching the latest sports on high-definition  variety of builders and floor plans your dream
        now offers vacation rentals whereby guests  flat  screen TVs. The  Ledges  of  St.  George  home can become a reality at The Ledges.
        have the ability to stay on-site in homes and  is also home to The Fish Rock Grill, a full-

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