P. 95

Photos by Darby Hayes                           LAS VEGAS


             he golf course at Plumas Pines  that includes a spectacular driving range  golf at Plumas Pines Resort and
          TGolf Resort is edged by the Feather  and putting green, a full–service snack  accomodations with one of their lodging
          River and the sculpted fairways are  bar, picnic grove, BBQ area, and outdoor  partners in a custom home, villa, or cabin.
          carved through tall pines. Boasting the  and indoor wedding settings. Imagine  Plumas Pines was voted 5th in the U.S.
          best greens in the area, Plumas Pines is  your wedding overlooking the elegance  for Friendliest Courses by GolfAdvisor.
          a vacation dream with family friendly  of the golf course surrounded by the  Take a virtual tour of the resort and the
          lodging on the course.              beauty of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.  course at

          Plumas Pines offers tournament packages,  Plumas Pines offers custom Play & Stay
          golf lessons and schools, a practice facility  packages as well, with each boasting

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