P. 93

Graeagle Meadows                                                  GRAEAGLE

                                          region: Graeagle |  course type: Public

            raeagle Meadows championship golf   environment, known as an amazing golf   setting for a challenging round of golf.
         Gcourse in Plumas County is located   destination. In fact,  Golf Digest includes   An abundance of well-placed bunkers as
         one hour from Reno and Tahoe in Graeagle,   Graeagle on its list of Best Places to Play.   well as elevated greens provide a dramatic
         California.  With spectacular mountain                                  experience in which to enjoy this beautiful
         views and 6,725 yards of extreme golf,   Located along the middle fork of the   course. Thanks to many elevated tees as
         guests enjoy lofty pines, an abundance   Feather River in the High Sierras, Graeagle   well, golfers enjoy full panoramic views
         of  water,  and  elevated  tees  that  offer   Meadows  offers  amazing  mountain  and   of the surrounding forest, mountains, and
         the ultimate golf experience. Graeagle,   river views. Hundreds of pine trees along   of course, meadows.
         California  is a  stunningly  beautiful   with gorgeous lakes provide a fantastic

           Course Details                    Property Amenities                 6934 CA-89
           Architect: Ellis Van Gorder       Pro Shop,  Club Rentals, Instruction  Graeagle, CA 96103
           18 Holes Par 72                   Weddings, Banquets, Rehearsal      530-836-2323
           6,725 Yards from Back Tees        Dinners, Corporate Events

           Practice Facility                 Restaurant/Dining
           Driving Range, Chipping Area      Graeagle Meadows Restaurant
           Putting Green                     Breakfast, Lunch, Full Bar

        WWW.GOLFINGNEVADAMAGAZINE.COM                                                            2022 GOLFING NEVADA  91
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